Ogni scatto è una finestra per trasmettere emozioni, creare connessioni e narrare storie autentiche attraverso i miei occhi. Nelle mie immagini cerco la complicità, l’eleganza e l’emozione nascosta nei gesti e negli sguardi, immortalando…
Every shot is a window to convey emotions, create connections, and narrate authentic stories through my eyes. In my images, I seek complicity, elegance, and the hidden emotion in gestures and gazes, immortalizing timeless moments…
I had been following Silvia on Instagram for a while, and I was always fascinated by her photographs, her art. When we decided to get married, I didn’t think twice and immediately asked for her availability. She is a true professional both in her work and on a personal level. We experienced many emotions, and she was able to capture them all. Spontaneous, cheerful, and radiant, that’s how she is… truly beautiful! Highly recommended!
Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts, Silvia.
Ci siamo rivolti a Silvia per un servizio Maternity. Che dire? Esperienza a dir poco magnifica, emozionante. Silvia di grande professionalità, con la sua simpatia e dolcezza ti conquista! Sa come mettere a proprio agio chiunque, e che dire del post produzione? Foto stupende, parlano da sole, siamo rimasti senza parole! La vorrei in ogni occasione possibile! Tieniti pronta Silvia!
We turned to Silvia for a maternity session. What can I say? An experience nothing short of magnificent and emotional. Silvia, with her great professionalism, charm, and sweetness, wins you over! She knows how to make anyone feel at ease, and what about the post-production? Stunning photos, they speak for themselves, we were left speechless! I would want her for every possible occasion! Get ready, Silvia!
Silvia, besides being a beautiful person, is an excellent professional. From the beginning, she was welcoming and attentive to our needs, and on our wedding day, everything was simple and natural. The photos were a pleasant confirmation; not only are they beautiful, but they also capture that day exactly as we perceived it. She was able to fully understand and convey the spirit and emotions we experienced in those moments. For such an important memory, we couldn’t have made a better choice.
Fotografa Wedding, Maternity e Family a Venezia, Treviso, Padova, Verona, Italy, Europe